Dental Dream Makers: Jaw and Facial Pain Treatments

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If you are diagnosing your oral health and need to eliminate risk factors in your life, be aware of any potential problems that are causing chronic jaw and facial pain. Due to the wide variety of known causes to produce jaw and facial pain, you may need to visit our dentist so that the appropriate assessment and treatments can be given. Once our dentist is aware of what is causing your jaw and facial pain, a suitable treatment plan can be administered.

If you are suffering from jaw and facial pain, visit our dentist so that treatments can be given. Our dentist may be able to provide you with a plethora of oral appliances and treatment methods to help you cope with any conditions you may have. Listed below are a few treatment options that may be used:

– mouth protectors such as night guards, bite plates or mouth guards
– medications including muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics
– oral health exercises designed to strengthen the muscles in your jaw and face
– root canal therapy
– gum disease treatment and other forms of periodontal care
– a tooth extraction

If you would like to set up jaw and facial pain treatments at The Bartlett Dental Station, or would like a comprehensive oral exam from our team at our dental office, please call us at 630-837-2779. Dr. Mark Prosniewski and our team are here to be the dentist you require in Bartlett, Illinois.